
What is A Conscious Mind TheraCoaching?

Personal development and leadership coaching to help people with personal, motivation, and relationship challenges so they can lead fulfilling lives and achieve their personal goals.

Cognitive behavioral therapy to heal past emotional wounds and treat mental health conditions like depression and anxiety.

A Conscious Mind TheraCoaching is committed to serving its clients physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

All services are available individually or through customized packages based on individual client needs.

Call today for a free 30-minute consultation and get started on the journey to a happier, healthier and more conscious YOU!

We're Here for You!

How We Will Work Together

If one of your goals is to improve in any area of your life, then you’ve come to the right place. As certified professional coaches, we use a unique approach called Energy Leadership and partner with our clients to help them achieve their true potential and live their lives to the fullest.

Through working with us, our clients will:

  • Get clarity on their values and belief systems, decide which are useful to them, and develop a clear sense of purpose.
  • Get clarity on their goals and priorities, and overcome blocks so they can get where they want to go and be who they want to be.
  • Become more aware of their energy – how they’re ‘showing up’ in different situations, how their energy is influencing others, and how they’re being influenced by others’ energies.
  • Develop new responses and habits when faced with challenging situations so they can choose how to respond.
  • Create practical action plans in each session, that they’re comfortable with and committed to, and be held accountable for them.

“What you are looking for is already in you…You already are everything you are seeking.”

– Thich Nhat Hanh

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

– Rumi

“Consciousness is the birthplace of change.”

– Anonymous

Reach out to us today!

If you are looking to:

• Start enjoying life again

• Achieve your goals

• And live authentically

…Then let’s chat!

Use the form below to send us a message. You may also call or email anytime.

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